How can I find fulfillment in life?

It’s safe to say that most people, if not all, desire a fulfilling life. Although this is a goal that often goes unrealized, it truly is possible to achieve no matter who you are or what life’s circumstances have brought your way. I’ve had seasons of life where I was unfulfilled, but doing things publicly that others thought were fabulous. And there have been seasons of my life where I was experiencing true fulfillment, and what I was doing didn’t make the news nor was it posted on social media for all to see. 

I’ve had people tell me that they thought I would be doing so much more with my life, which is another way to say, since I don’t publicly see that you’re doing great things, you must not be doing anything of much value at all; such a waste. Every time I hear something like that there is a temptation for me to “up my game” and prove my worth to silence the noise that threatens my very sense of peace and fulfillment. I could dive into this so much more, but that’s a topic for another time.

Of course, we know that we each may have a different definition of what fulfillment means to us, but according to Pew Research, 71% of Americans say that the number one factor to living a fulfilling life is having a job or career they enjoy. If this is true it means that nearly half of Americans are likely lacking fulfillment based on another Pew study that found only 51% of employed adults are either “extremely or very satisfied.” with their jobs. 

Well, this blog is for the 49% who are still trying to figure things out. You’re longing to have a more meaningful and fulfilling life and quite frankly you’re tired of watching everyone else live their dream, while you’re still longing to discover your own. Or maybe you’ve pursued your dream only to find that it wasn’t quite what you thought it would be. Or perhaps you are living THE DREAM, but it’s not your dream. To everyone else, your life is fabulous and they would love to be in your shoes. You’re grateful for all the blessings, but deep inside you feel like there is something more. Well, you’re right.

Fulfillment is Not About What You Do It’s How You Live

There is more to living a fulfilling life than having a job or career you love. Having a particular job or career is subject to circumstances and can therefore be affected by external influences. If you are trusting in a job to fulfill you, you are placing your joy on shaky ground. 

What if I were to tell you that enjoying a successful and fulfilling life is truly based on something that can be much more reliable, and is not dependent upon the economy, weather events, or other outside factors. It is something that you already have and when developed, will help you to experience fulfillment not only in the workplace but in your home, community, and everywhere you go. 

The keys are a combination of knowing and embracing who you are, understanding where your true passions and interests lie, and developing the ability to demonstrate these findings in a way that propels you toward a meaningful and fulfilling life, even in the midst of adversity or challenges. In other words, the keys to living and leading a more fulfilling life are found where your identity, purpose, and resilience intersect. I call this living in BrillianceMode.

In the coming weeks, we will explore the BrillianceMode life, what that looks like, and ways we can operate in it more freely. I will be sharing my own personal experiences and observations as I seek to live and stay in BrillianceMode, myself. Do I live in BrillianceMode 24/7? No. There are times when I slip back into those old habits and my fulfillment begins to dip. Thankfully, I have a community of people who are there to lift me up when this happens and that’s what I’d like to provide for you. 

None of us is perfect, and I won’t pretend to be. I’ll be sharing some of those times when I fall short of my Brilliance as well. As I launch this community to help you live in BrillanceMode, I’ll be growing with you as well. So let’s take this journey together. I am FOR you and WITH you!

Mode Up

  • What have you believed you’ve needed in order to be fulfilled?


  • Which of these things are subject to circumstance and/or out of your control?


  • How might you adjust your search for fulfillment as a result of your answers and what you’ve read?


  • If you’re interested in traveling this road with me, what is it that you hope to get most out of being on this journey?

Hi, I’m Kim Anthony

I help women leaders clarify their identity, uncover their purpose, and overcome obstacles holding them back in order to make a meaningful impact.

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